Recap : Spain (Part I)
3:30 AM
Spain was HOT! Not only the weather but also its people!
pwhew! it's hard to keep our eyes or probably just my eyes off of people :P
And I also REFUSE to use my color because it'll strain people's eyes to read the words so I'll just settle with black.
As you guys know, Ammar has updated about our stay in London and this post will be about Spain that has loooooong been overdue and as usual, let the pictures tell the rest of the story. So NAH! Amik ni!! *evil laugh*

Our first destination in Spain was Madrid. We toured Madrid with our bags in the hotness of the day and only God knows how tired we were and not to mention we got a free tanning session (not like we need one). And may I say that our decision to reduce our stuffs and use small bags instead of the big ones was really TEPAT. There were really a lot of interesting places to visit and the most important place that we didn't go was Real Madrid's stadium and that was really a bummer!
My advice is spend at least 2 days to explore Madrid because it has a lot to offer.

Our second destination was Cordoba. Cordoba is a small city with amazing middle Eastern architecture. I think the most important place is the Mezquita. It was originally a mosque but then, when the Christians invaded Spain, they converted the place into a church and you could see many statues and paintings about Christianity. There are also a lot of beautiful buildings in Cordoba but some of them might be closed on certain days, so do your research before planning your trip because you don't want to come and miss a few places!

Another city that we visited that has Middle Eastern influence in its architecture is Granada. I think that one full day is enough to visit Al-Hambra. Al-Hambra is a city that is comprised of palaces, a fortress and beautiful gardens with exotic plants that people would really much enjoy. Our hotel that we stayed in was just like 5 minutes walk to the old city and that was really convenient to us. Also, don't forget to visit the modern city of Granada where you would enjoy spending your money.

Our last stop in Spain was Barcelona and may I say this city is ...
~Ayat by Safwan.
~Pictures by AmmarFaris (~amore~)
As my journey is about to end....
These last bunch of words are dedicated from me (~amore), from the bottom of my sincere heart to....
To Ijan, Ziha & Qiller :
Thank you very very much for sharing your experience there in Japan and Korea. Haha.. Could not wait to seek my chance to go to the 'negara matahari terbit'.... Korea? Hmmm still thinking... hehe..
To Safwan, Milah, Meena, & Assem :
Thanks a lot for inviting me to join you guys in your EURO trip.
I've learnt numerous lessons and experience throughout this journey that i embarked with you guys...You guys are cool and awesome... Kalu korang x de, dah lama ak sesat...
Some parts of the trip are quite exhausting and tiring, i should admit... full of adventure and obstacles, but it comes with penat and tension as well ~ a full package ~ at least for me lah... Thus, i would like to apologize for all the wrong things that i've done throughout this trip... SORRY sangat2 kalu ade salah and silap...
Sad to know that it is about to end, so as my holidays.... haha... back to school lah jawabnyer...
Really wanna join you guys sambung your journey.... tapi nak wat camner kan...
So, last but not least,
Keep in touch all of you.... MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL...
pwhew! it's hard to keep our eyes or probably just my eyes off of people :P
And I also REFUSE to use my color because it'll strain people's eyes to read the words so I'll just settle with black.
As you guys know, Ammar has updated about our stay in London and this post will be about Spain that has loooooong been overdue and as usual, let the pictures tell the rest of the story. So NAH! Amik ni!! *evil laugh*

Our first destination in Spain was Madrid. We toured Madrid with our bags in the hotness of the day and only God knows how tired we were and not to mention we got a free tanning session (not like we need one). And may I say that our decision to reduce our stuffs and use small bags instead of the big ones was really TEPAT. There were really a lot of interesting places to visit and the most important place that we didn't go was Real Madrid's stadium and that was really a bummer!
My advice is spend at least 2 days to explore Madrid because it has a lot to offer.

Our second destination was Cordoba. Cordoba is a small city with amazing middle Eastern architecture. I think the most important place is the Mezquita. It was originally a mosque but then, when the Christians invaded Spain, they converted the place into a church and you could see many statues and paintings about Christianity. There are also a lot of beautiful buildings in Cordoba but some of them might be closed on certain days, so do your research before planning your trip because you don't want to come and miss a few places!

Another city that we visited that has Middle Eastern influence in its architecture is Granada. I think that one full day is enough to visit Al-Hambra. Al-Hambra is a city that is comprised of palaces, a fortress and beautiful gardens with exotic plants that people would really much enjoy. Our hotel that we stayed in was just like 5 minutes walk to the old city and that was really convenient to us. Also, don't forget to visit the modern city of Granada where you would enjoy spending your money.

Our last stop in Spain was Barcelona and may I say this city is ...
~Ayat by Safwan.
~Pictures by AmmarFaris (~amore~)
As my journey is about to end....
These last bunch of words are dedicated from me (~amore), from the bottom of my sincere heart to....
To Ijan, Ziha & Qiller :
Thank you very very much for sharing your experience there in Japan and Korea. Haha.. Could not wait to seek my chance to go to the 'negara matahari terbit'.... Korea? Hmmm still thinking... hehe..
To Safwan, Milah, Meena, & Assem :
Thanks a lot for inviting me to join you guys in your EURO trip.
I've learnt numerous lessons and experience throughout this journey that i embarked with you guys...You guys are cool and awesome... Kalu korang x de, dah lama ak sesat...
Some parts of the trip are quite exhausting and tiring, i should admit... full of adventure and obstacles, but it comes with penat and tension as well ~ a full package ~ at least for me lah... Thus, i would like to apologize for all the wrong things that i've done throughout this trip... SORRY sangat2 kalu ade salah and silap...
Sad to know that it is about to end, so as my holidays.... haha... back to school lah jawabnyer...
Really wanna join you guys sambung your journey.... tapi nak wat camner kan...
So, last but not least,
Keep in touch all of you.... MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL...
byk gmbar yg ammar jd photographer.. lps ni ammar dah balik sape plak yg jadi photographer?
alhamdulillah selamat tiba di follett bookstore pukul 11.30 mlm. Then, sangat2 bernaseb baek sempat kejar bus 100 Yellow...haha... cam dah lama gak x nampak bus yellow nih...
good question asma...nmpak gayanyer safwan lah kot...haha...nk harapkan tuan camera...ehem ehem lah..hehe...walaupun tuan camera sebenarnye rajin gak ambil gambar..perlu effort lebih sket jerh...
kay lah korang2 yg still kat EUROPE... enjoy and take care!!!
best ke hotel kat berlin tuh??? haha ..i bet walau mcm mane pun safwan mesti best punyer bilik tuk dua org dier sorang kebas..haha...
kay2 HAVE FUN!!!
p/s: ak cuak ponteng kelas sehari ni..mcm dh tertinggal byk jerh... asma zalykha, ko kat europe lagi ker??
ye ammar faris, aku masih di europe. skrang kat paris, pagi esok gerak ke rome and stay kat sana for three days. lepas tu balik semula ke uk and melepek la kat sana selama sebulan setgh. hehe..
oh ye ker..haha..bape lama duk paris???
gi rome nanti masuk colosseum tau...amek gambar byk2 kat dalam tu..hari tu kitorang x mampu masuk..haha..amek gambar dari luar je...
oh lama gak nanti duk melepak kat UK..melepak kat area mane??
enjoy your holiday, zalykha...
p/s: hmm x dengar khabar dari group europe satu lagi...internet x de ye???
oi...korang dah jadikan chat space nampak?
ko dah rindu kat mereka especially si dia ke?
take care korang~
sebab boring2 (padahal homework ECE290 belambak) memang lama2 tempat comment pun jadi tempat chat..haha...
concern pasal semua org and rindu kat semua org lah..ish2...
internet x free and mahal kot...
take care semua org yg dirindui dan di'concern'-i
adeh ammar, concern btol ko. xckp gn comment..pantang nmpk ijan online, mesti tny sal dak2 europe jugak. :P :))