Closing Remarks on Japan-You will never discover new ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore :)

seperti yg dijanjikan...dugudugudugudugu (efek gendang ye rakan2)..

its ziha in the housee~~

after a week in japan, we arrived in korea yesterday. but our hearts feel the same; missing japan already. the most unforgettable memory from japan is the hospitality we got from both hosts (qila, kak ct n diana) and japan citizen.

one word: amazing!
- nice house to live in and we were provided with delicious scrumptious food after a day of tiresome. not to mention, they brought us to different kinds of restaurant to let us taste local food at cheaper price; takoyaki, sushi, dorayaki.

- every time we were looking for something, someone would approach and try their best to help us out, without being asked. and diligently ask others if they do not know. arigatou gozaimasu!


itu dorayaki doraemon

makan sushi kt kdai sushi yg sgt canggih

for those who are curious about the famous shibuya for its busiest crosswalk, below are the pictures. It connects 4 crossings and believe me, it never gets less people crossing. i can't understand this even. standing there for a while observing didn't give any clue as well. maybe japanese just loves to cross. haha

before n after

dari pandangan atas : manusia spt semut

on the same day before we went to shibuya, we went to harajuku, where cosplayers hang around. cosplayer tu cm org2 jepun pkai baju pelik2 tu. we did see some, but it wasn't for display or photograph. quite disappointing, maybe because it was raining. they usually there and do not mind if we want to take pictures with them. cool jugak org pelik ni.

mungkin dorg rs dorg comel, hek3

and the coolest thing among all is, we got on a day trip to mount fuji and hakone!!went there by motorcoach and got back by shikansen/bullet train. the trip is for foreigners with english speaking tour guide explaining everything. mesti korg rs kitorg kaya, tp tlgla percaya, arga dia xmhl mn compared to service yg kitorg dpt.
the coolest thing in this coolest trip is, we gotta know other travelers from other countries too, and one of them is studying in UIUC! Its in japan our path crossed yo!. What a small world.

And taking subway since the first day we got to Japan (6 days at that time point), making the bus couldn’t be any more comfortable place to sleep in. haha. We never fail to doze off every time we got on the bus, giving every chance for other passengers to realize. This one American uncle sitting in front of us smpai perli2. hahaha.

shikansen terlaju setakat ni; nozomi

mt fuji.

Yeah, that pretty much summarizes our trip in Japan. Korang yg kt Europe kalo ade crite best update la skali. kepada yg sakit tu, bwk2la minum air gn vitamin C. Ak aritu minum jus oren agk berkesan dowh. Slamat berjln semua org, hv fun n take care

- Nazihara -

(sebut dlm nada plg cute korg bole buat).Just bcoz subway announcer sebut kotake mukaihara tmpt kitorg duduk tu comel. Haha :P

anyeong n out!

4 Responses
  1. EH EH!
    dorayaki laaa! :D
    best gile! mesti cam sedap gile kannnnn. :)

  2. Ammar Faris Says:

    haha..ziha ade name baru...nazihara...

    so korea camner??? cam dlm drama yg korang slalu tgk tuh ker??

    hopefully korang enjoy lah yer!!!!

    cam best je bullet train tuh...nk gi mt fuji gaks....

    hmm next destination -> japan...haha

  3. Ammar Faris Says:

    now it's up to meena,assem and safwan to update... GO! GO! GO!

  4. neuroticpeas Says:

    haa..cept2. kitorg tunggu korgnye update. then, ijan will update things from here. GO! GO! GO!

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